domingo, 14 de março de 2010

A-HA - Summer Moved On

Fecho o dia com a segunda canção, porém de uma forma brilhante, não apenas pela qualidade dela, que é incontestável, mas pelas condições climáticas encontradas pelo Morten, para interpretá-la, devido o frio intenso da Alemanha, em 2001. É uma aula de falsetes e explosão vocal, capazes de arrepiar tranquilamente qualquer um que esteja habituado a ouvir os mais conceituados vocalistas do Planeta.
Os 20 segundos de "Stay", no refrão, lá pelos 3:30 do vídeo, representam muito bem a perfeição da voz desse cidadão.

Summer moved on
And the way it goes
You can't tag along
Honey moved out
And the way it went
Leaves no doubt

Moments will pass
In the morning light
I found out
Seasons can't last
And there's just one thing
Left to ask

Don't just walk away
And leave me another day
A day just like today
With nobody else around

Friendships move on
And until the day
You can't tag along
Handshakes unfold
And the way it goes
No one knows

Moments will pass
In the morning light
I found out
Seasons can't last
And there's just one thing
Left to ask

Don't just walk away
And leave me another day

A day just like today
With nobody else around

Don't just walk away
With nobody else around

Seasons can't last
And there's just one thing
Left to ask

Don't just walk away
And leave me another day
A day just like today

Don't just walk away
With nobody else around

Summer moved on

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